Friday, November 22, 2013

Project 7: The Bard

I chose the play called "The Comedy of Errors" about a father trying to find a long lost twin son from another "kingdom" but is about to get beheaded because of going to another "kingdom". He try's to explain what is going on before that happens. And since there are a set of twins I decided to put two of the same drama masks of happy instead of opposites. I also went with happy because its the opposite of the story and with this I tried to play in with the title part of "errors". My pseudonym, Taraah Mari, is colorful so I added lots of watercolor to the background. I wanted the rest of the colors to be slightly dull b/c I feel that these colors are more for an old timey color for way back when this play was written. Lastly I wanted it to be simple with the drama masks so that the watercolors in the background doesn't get lost with too much vector art.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

In Class: Editorial Illustration

For this in class assignment we illustrated a cover for an article. I was given the "ads that follow us" article and came up with this. I think its too straight to the point and I should have played around with the idea more because I honestly think that you wouldn't read the article by taking a glance at this illustration. But I went for the safe route in this design.

Friday, November 15, 2013

Project 6: Simplification through symbolism

For this project we have to construct a simple vector symbol for a quote, a quote with visual potential. For this quote I put together mind and wonder, attempting for the mind to look as it is wondering.
As for this symbol I went back and forth on the quote from this to " Tears of Joy" but I didn't think that was long enough. I didn't really have to much of a back and forth on the sketches, I just wanted to keep this completely simple.
 As for this quote I had a real hard to time construct the symbol. I think my first attempt was too simple and the next was too complex. I tried to put loyal and book together. My second attempt was ok but I don't think it showed what the quote meant.
And all three of these symbols I decided to do in black with white outlining because it looked more whole than the colors the other way around.
Here are all the rest of my quotes I gathered:
"I have many problems in my life. But my lips don't know that. They always smile"
- Charlie Chaplin
"That which does not kill us makes us stronger."
- Friedrich Nietzsche
"Sometimes the questions are complicated and the answers are simple."
- Dr. Seuss
"Do one thing everyday that scares you."
- Eleanor Roosevelt
"Without music, life would be a mistake."
- Friedrich Nietzsche
“It is sometimes an appropriate response to reality to go insane.”  
                                                                   - Philip K. Dick
“Reading is one form of escape. Running for your life is another.”
   - Lemony Snicket
Here are my sketches of some of the quotes and
sketches of what I thought might work for my final quotes.


Tuesday, November 12, 2013

In Class: Beautiful vs Ugly

With this assignment we had to draw something that was beautiful but ugly to us. To me vulchers are ugly but in a beautiful way they are a "helpful" bird to us because they take care of what's left of road kill. Less for us to worry about. And of course I made the vulcher pretty because I think false eye lashes are gorgeous. Also along with nail polish and a eye gem.

I also drew a record player to show the vinyl record. I personally think they are beautiful because these days you can't hold individual music. I think it's better to refer to it as vintage and can be made into an art piece but some see it as old and out of date or in this case ugly.

Thursday, October 31, 2013

In Class: Pseudonym/ Project 4: Emotional CYRK Poster

For this assignment in class we drew up our Pseudonym, someone that is opposite of us that is an artist. Mine is a French clown named Taraah Mari who is always loud, always wearing bright colors and never shy. This is complete opposite of me and as an artist his work is mixture of abstract art and works more with vector art. Which in reality is what I would really like to get myself into. I colored this in markers because I hardly use them.

This is a CYRK poster done in Illustrator showing the emotion of 'Joy'. Showing this emotion I (my Pseudonym) created a slightly large boy at a circus eating and standing in the crowd, fun fun. I then created the typography 'CYRK' in his braces. And of course I showed lots of vibrant colors and tried to make it abstract as I could with vector art.
by Taraah Mari


Thursday, October 24, 2013

Project 3: Totally Looks Like

The back of this chair I saw at Schlotzsky's I thought saw looked like the top of a paperclip. 
These two posts in front of this dumpster on the corners looks like cigars.


The light I saw in Schlotzsky's looked like the bottom of a green apple.


This vehicle vacuum cleaner at my apts looks like R2-D2 from Star Wars.

This rock in front of my apartment looks like the opening of a hippo's mouth. I've walked by this a thousand times and I never really noticed it this way.
My door knocker/ peephole looks like a knights armor. Another object I never thought about until this project.
These plants remind me of this "Mexican" candy I use to eat when I was a kid. The candy you squeeze out looks as crazy as the plant.
This sewer cage top reminded me of a Belgian waffle. Yuck on left, Yum on right!
Now this picture of a binder clip I thought always looked like a small purse with a long strap.
Here is a picture of my hummingbird feeder that I though the bottom looked like a crossed seesaw. I noticed this as I was laying underneath it.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Project 2: New Yorker Phrase Narratives

"Please hurry Hilary, your soup is getting dirty."

Top left corner: A little girls alphabet soup, mom shouting out to her while kid is in shower. ---first one came to thought of the word "CRAP" in the soup.
One down: Drawing of Hilary Clinton manger/body guard checking in on Hilary's daughter Chelsea entering a strip club. ( Chelsea being the soup)
Bottom left corner: A chicken yelling to her little chick the phrase while Taz is mustering up dirt near the soup---got idea from seeing a fish talking in another New Yorker cartoon.
Top right corner: Hilary Clinton's chef yelling out the phrase with "ingredients" on the side labeled with things that doesn't suit her (that would "contaminate" her soup).---got idea from talking with my father in-law and politics.
One down: Switching the roles of man and women that takes place in my house hold as a kid, wife watches game, drinking and husband cooking with an apron.---got idea from past experience. =)
Bottom right corner: A couple eating at a restaurant, guy notices bugs going into soup but both not too worried about it, yuck.--- idea from couple of others put together.

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Exquisite Corpse

An interesting "monster" created by myself and three other of my classmates each doing a different piece of the "monster" in our own way without knowing what the other drew.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Project 1: Shape Potential

The first day I looked at the shape I automatically saw a coffin and why not, its the month of Halloween. I tried to make the coffin look like a wooden coffin as well. I then decided to draw a dark and spooky cemetery in the background.

My husband gave me the idea of a sail boat and of course I instead drew a wind surfer attempting to also draw it in active water. The shape just seemed to be a better fit this way.


I think this was the least thought out drawing in my opinion. I thought that the shape could be an odd shaped race car, I tried drawing it in motion going around the track with another race car in the background. I was thinking of flipping the shape but I think it worked out better this way.

Today was a windy and gorgeous day so I went out and bought some wind pinwheels for my patio and decided why not draw one. My drawing doesn't look exactly like the one I bought but the outside shape of it looked very close to the shape I was given.


For this drawing I drew a humpback whale. In my first thought process I was going to add two of the shapes one on top of the other but this seemed to look more closer to a humpback whale.

My dog Bella gave me the inspiration for this drawing. Looks nothing like my dog but its still a dog and thought the shape looked like it could be ears. Tried drawing the ears as if it was bent over but then it didn't really turn out to be dog ears. Then I decided to make the eyes look sappy and cute. 


Top drawing is of a mouse going into the whole. I was going to do a computer mouse because of course I'm always on the computer using the mouse but then I thought of doing a real mouse because its just something different.

The bottom drawing is of an old fashion straight razor along with a brush on the side. I was thinking of something sharp, either from a switch blade to either a Swiss army knife. But I thought that with this I could add more character to it.


Top drawing of the carrot was pretty simple. I just tried to take two of the same shape and tried to overlap them and I saw a carrot.

And lastly the last drawing is a cluster of crystals. The shape is an odd shape as it is so crystals came to mind because one is not like the other and there are many different shapes in it.