Thursday, October 31, 2013

In Class: Pseudonym/ Project 4: Emotional CYRK Poster

For this assignment in class we drew up our Pseudonym, someone that is opposite of us that is an artist. Mine is a French clown named Taraah Mari who is always loud, always wearing bright colors and never shy. This is complete opposite of me and as an artist his work is mixture of abstract art and works more with vector art. Which in reality is what I would really like to get myself into. I colored this in markers because I hardly use them.

This is a CYRK poster done in Illustrator showing the emotion of 'Joy'. Showing this emotion I (my Pseudonym) created a slightly large boy at a circus eating and standing in the crowd, fun fun. I then created the typography 'CYRK' in his braces. And of course I showed lots of vibrant colors and tried to make it abstract as I could with vector art.
by Taraah Mari


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